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Home » Have you been able to memorise elevator speech for your business?

Have you been able to memorise elevator speech for your business?

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An elevator speech is a short description of an idea, a product, or a company that explains the concept so that any listener can understand it within a short period.
For instance, you step into an elevator or the top floor and go down to the lobby area. While on that elevator, someone taps you on the shoulder, smiles and greets you, and asks what you are doing. What are you going to answer the person? Whatever you answer is a vivid example of an elevator speech.
Will you be fast in telling the person what you are doing? Or will you waste more time telling the person what you are doing? Know that the more time you waste, the more uninterested the person becomes in whatever you’re saying. The person might probably be in a hurry.

What is an elevator speech? Is it essential for you to memorise it?

Spending time memorising your elevator speech lays the groundwork for you to network perfectly and get that business you have been looking for. It will also help you attract the right clients for your business. If you cannot put what you do into clear and concise words, how will other people, or potential customers, know what you do?

Why the name of the elevator speech?

The elevator’s speech or pitch reflects the idea that someone should be able to summarise what he does during an elevator ride for approximately 30 seconds or 2 minutes.

Elevators speech in business.

An elevator speech helps a lot in business. Everyone needs a brief elevator speech with follow-up details. This short version should be enough to meet a potential client’s or customer’s appetite and cause them to ask for more information from you. When they ask for a follow-up from you, you can bring them a more detailed follow-up version of the elevator speech.


Examples of an elevator speech.

1. Financial Services Company.

My company helps people manage their financial assets, helping them save more for their retirement without having a course to worry about money.

2. For real Estate business.

I help people find the right home at the right location and price in their locality. Are you looking for a home to buy or to sell?

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