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What does a marketing manager do?

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A marketing manager knows how to communicate about a product, business, or brand. The person has all it takes to take on a product and make it well known in the eyes of the customers.

Someone can pursue many roles in this marketing field and pursue their interest. In this article, you’ll learn what a marketing manager does and how you can land your first job as a marketing manager.

Marketing managers conduct various marketing campaigns to generate customers’ interest in a particular product or a business. Most of the time, they oversee communication between a customer base and the company.

Marketing managers are the drivers of marketing management, and many items can be seen in it.

What is marketing management?

Marketing management entails a lot of things or activities that marketing managers do to raise awareness and create campaigns to generate demand for products and services. Those activities that are found in marketing management can include

  • Directing Social media management strategy
  • Manages a budget used for marketing campaigns.
  • Does product research to find out new trends in the market.
  • Manages a group of other employees in the marketing department.
  • Collaboration with other departments, such as the creative and advertising departments, is also needed.
  • Designs, manages, and evaluates marketing campaigns in an organization.
  • Performs market research and documents the findings to create new opportunities.
  • Review the advertising material that is used for print and digital media use.

How much does a marketing manager earn?

According to the US Bureau of Statistics, a marketing manager can earn up to $135030 annually. This figure can be above or below, depending on other factors such as where you live, your company, and your industry. There are marketing managers in technical or scientific roles, and most of them tend to draw the biggest salaries in their work.

Different types of marketing managers

There are different types of marketing managers, but in most cases, their jobs are specific and have similarities too. The various marketing managers are in existence, and they include the

  • Affiliate marketing managers
  • Brand marketing managers
  • Content marketing managers
  • Digital marketing managers
  • Social media marketing managers
  • Product marketing managers
  • Marketing communications managers

How to become a marketing manager?

Most companies are looking for a marketing manager, and sometimes, they can be specific by taking up marketing managers with particular skill sets. If you’re considering a role in marketing, you may have to obtain a degree in marketing, advertising, communication, or any related field. Having at least a bachelor’s degree is a good step in becoming a marketing manager. Sometimes, a master’s degree in business administration will be a plus for you.

There are other things you must look out for to become a marketing manager, which are listed below.

1. Build marketing manager skills.

The marketing manager has a lot of skills that enable him how to work as a marketing manager. Even as you pursue your degree, you must seek those skills or opportunities to build them. Marketing manager skills are

  • Public speaking and writing skills– You have to master the art of public speaking and writing. This will help you effectively present your ideas to customers, clients, and management.
  • Interpersonal skillsinclude your ability to relate to people as a team. It shows your collaboration skills and your ability to work with other departments in your marketing campaigns.
  • Creative thinking skills enable you to generate great campaign and marketing strategy ideas.
  • SEO fundamental skills help you to know how to run campaigns on digital platforms.
  • Leadership skillsoffer ideas on how to lead people working with you.
  • Project management skillsguide you in conducting a project by setting goals, tracking progress, and meeting deadlines.
  • Technical skillswill assist you in managing your email marketing SEO and other software needed in marketing campaigns.

2. Get a certification in marketing.

Getting a certification in marketing can be a plus for you, and it can also validate your skills to potential employers. There are so many online marketing courses that you can take, and after the exams, you can download your certificate. That could be another offline, but the choice depends on you to know the one that will benefit you.

3. Get an experience.

Even when you have done some courses, and I obtain your degree, you still need experience to start. Most of the job interviews require you to present your knowledge. There are so many ways you can go about this. We must find an internship program with a marketing department, or you offer to market your services to a nonprofit organization. Doing that will increase your chances of getting a marketing manager job.

4. Build your portfolio.

Your portfolio consists of those things that you have been able to do over the years in your marketing management field. Your portfolio also should be your best work. If you don’t have one, start building them now. Putting up a collection of your marketing management portfolio will make it easy for hiring managers to get you on board because they’ve been able to see the samples of things you were able to do over the years.


Career path for marketing manager

A marketing manager career is a career that is in high demand. Most companies want to increase their shares in the market and expand their customer base, and the companies need marketing managers to help them achieve this goal.

However, a marketing manager requires work experience to get to the marketing manager level; some people start as sales representatives, public relations specialists, and marketing coordinators before they can get to the marketing managerial role. Some people get to become Chief marketing officers and may end up becoming VP Marketing in their organization.


A marketing manager plays a vital role in any organization. They are often sought-after officers who help a company increase its customer base and improve brand visibility. There are many things they can do, but you have to get in first to get a feel of them. If you want to become a marketing manager quickly, read this article again.



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