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business travel image

6 Tips to make business travel more affordable as an entrepreneur.

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Most business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs are more likely to travel to achieve their business goals and perfect their skills. Traveling for business can be exciting, and a business owner can also gain educational experience. In all of this, a business owner might misspend their money or misuse their credit card if they are not… Read More »6 Tips to make business travel more affordable as an entrepreneur.

marketing strategies to improve sales image photo

Four marketing strategies that would help increase sales.

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Four marketing strategies that would help increase sales. Marketing and sales are like-minded because sales have to be involved in anything that has to do with the marketing of any product. Companies where the two are not set up together often see marketing and sales groups pointing fingers at each other. Meanwhile, businesses depend on… Read More »Four marketing strategies that would help increase sales.

beno tires repairs tire safety image

Why should you have tire repair services performed at Beno Tires Company?

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The Quality  of your vehicle tire is integral to your tire safety. At Beno Tires Company, they do more to ensure that drivers and car owners maintain proper Tire safety. Sometimes, vehicles and equipment can experience a lot of hazards that can damage tires. When this damage happens, it can pose a great danger to… Read More »Why should you have tire repair services performed at Beno Tires Company?

Geo Solutions water tank Photo

GEO SOLUTIONS: A Hydrogeological company you need for your water borehole

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GEO SOLUTIONS bridges the gap created by clean water supply in Nigeria region. The Marketing Slot team gathered some information about the company and what they do in the area of sustainable water availability. According to GEO SOLUTIONS, Life is sweet and must be sustained effectively with a good and reliable water supply. Life itself… Read More »GEO SOLUTIONS: A Hydrogeological company you need for your water borehole

scaffolding business scaffold celvic global

How Celvic Global Services Limited conducts its scaffolding business in Nigeria.

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A scaffolding business is a business that requires technical skills for someone to start. It would help if you had the essential skills to start a scaffolding business and sustain the company when you have started. Aside from being a business that requires safety precautions, there are other things you need to put in place… Read More »How Celvic Global Services Limited conducts its scaffolding business in Nigeria.

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What does a marketing manager do?

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A marketing manager knows how to communicate about a product, business, or brand. The person has all it takes to take on a product and make it well known in the eyes of the customers. Someone can pursue many roles in this marketing field and pursue their interest. In this article, you’ll learn what a… Read More »What does a marketing manager do?